I like to have the left stick mapped to WASD and the right stick mapped to camera movement. The analog sticks are probably the weirdest part of the setup, so let's do that first. (I don't own a PS3: I bought the controller specifically for PC gaming!) Download Enjoy2 here and try it yourself: Left analog stick In the meantime, here's a tutorial on how I set up Enjoy2 to control Minecraft with my aftermarket PS3 controller. I'm not very experienced with OSX programming, though, so the user interface isn't as clear as it could be: the next version of Enjoy2 should hopefully make things a lot easier to use. I wanted to play Minecraft using a gamepad, like any console FPS, so I updated an open-source project to support mouse emulation and released Enjoy2.
I like playing Minecraft, but after playing it for a couple of hours on a small 11-inch laptop, my wrists will start to hurt.