- November 20, 2023Read more...'DDR3' is the type (and must be the same as what your computer has).However, your system will operate at the speed of the slowest memory module. Memory is designed to be backward-compatible, so generally speaking, you can safely add faster memory to a computer that was designed to run slower...November 19, 2023Read more...Word processors like Word are generally designed to produce documents to be printed. In a nutshell: it’s all about the printer. Your client is on the right track: that’s exactly what PDF is for. They were never meant to distribute documents to others for reading. Word documents were never...November 19, 2023Read more...This homemade macaroni and cheese is just as quick as the kind that comes out of a box, is one thousand times more delicious, and won’t leave you with a mass of gross congealed leftovers. Is it lunchtime? Is it dinner time? Are you starving? Do you need a mac and cheese fix? Yes? Well, I’ve got...More Posts
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